Visio Networking Icons Stencil - Cisco CVD and Custom Icons

In this article, I share a Visio Stencil of networking icons in which I have modified and put together the latest icons from Cisco Validated Design (CVD) diagrams and added some custom icons/shapes of my own.


Cisco has always been great at providing Visio stencils of networking shapes and icons to use in network diagrams, both for physical and logical diagram purposes.

A few years back, Cisco published some Cisco Validated Designs diagrams that used a new set of icons. If you’ve ever seen any presentation of DNA Center or SD Access, you are sure to have seen these icons. I have had a hard time finding these icons to use in diagrams of my own and from what I can see, Cisco only ever published these icons as a Powerpoint.

I have converted many of these icons over to a Visio file/stencil (but not all of them), modified/refined them slightly (removing “dead space” etc.), and added lots of Connection points to them to make them easier to work with and ready for immediate use.

Below is a picture of some of the icons included in these files.

Download the files below to see all of them.

You can download these shapes either as a Visio file (.vsdx) or as a Visio stencil (.vssx)

Visio: WiresAndWifi-Custom-CVD-Visio rev1.1.vsdx

Stencil: WiresAndWifi-Custom-CVD-Stencil rev1.1.vssx


2022-10-13 - Revision 1.0 - first publication

2022-11-19 - Revision 1.1 - added missing Connection Points